
I would first of all like to say that this blog has no direct relation the charity run website Sense About Science. If you are looking for their blog it can easily be found on their website.

The purpose of this blog is to write about different aspects of science that I personally find interesting, and hopefully you will find some content on my small section of the web that you will also find interesting. However, the ultimate goal is to share my love of science with all of you...

Friday, 8 July 2011

String Theory in a nut shell...

String Theory
Though the happenings of the research happening in CERN scientists are constantly thinking up of new possibilities that would help us redefine how we perceive the universe 

First of all take a moment to look in front of you at the picture on screen. Now look to your left (at your mountain of books) and right (to your mug of tea/coffee) sides. Now up and down. These three spatial dimensions represent everything in our universe. Add time and we know live in a four-dimensional world. This is what is known as the Space-time Continuum – three dimensions of space (height, width, and length) and time. But have you ever wondered if there are additional dimensions that escape our observation? That there is something else out there? What is space made up of?

There are two areas of research that we don't know much about and where research over the next twenty years will slowly uncover their mysteries and by the time this is posted there will be information that could of been proved wrong or would have been updated but here we go... the two fields are: Quantum Mechanics and String Theory. In this article I'm going to try and discuss String Theory and why we think all things are made up of tiny strings. String Theory is a contender for The Theory of Everything (thought up by Albert Einstein on his death bed) and it is based on the principle that all things are made up of tiny 1-dimensional superstrings. It is also a emerging branch of Quantum Mechanics and General Relativy that explains that the sub-atomic particles are in really tiny bits of energy that vibarate and are in one-dimensions.  

String Theory offers amazing possibilities and holds potential to explain all matter and forces of nature from sub-atomic particles to galaxies. String theory is a leading candidate to for a unified "Theory of Everything" . A theory so powerful it holds potential to describe the workings of our universe, why it is the way it is. 

The History
The first ever String Theory was formulated in the late 1960s and was called Bosonic String theory. However, soon afterwards it was abandoned as it predicted the existence of a particle that we don't believe to exist and it predict only the position of boson whereas most physical particles are fermions. Then along came the Superstring Theory which predicted a 10-dimensional universe. This was then split in to five versions of this theory. However, all these versions seemed to be right but this wasn't possible. Here, we introduce Edward Witten who has been hailed as the next Einstein. He looked at all these theories and decided that they were all different ways of saying the same thing. He then went on to unite these theories in what we call M-Theory which is based on a 11-dimensional universe. This is just a very basic article on string theory behind string theory, but for more advanced reading go to the CERN website .

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